4 thoughts on “Archives”

  1. Mmmm, I am very fond of the Durham ox! Going to see the Stubbs show later this afternoon, can't believe I haven't seen it already. Did you ever read Harriet Ritvo's "The Animal Estate"? Well worth a look, if not.

    I still think that we must found an anti-deckle-edge organization of some sort.

  2. Oh, you must share! Sooner rather than later! (I will confess that I have a very difficult time reading Faber books because I so much dislike that typeface, and of course there are other typefaces that are also very problematic, basically anything sans serif seems to me UNACCEPTABLE for books, can't imagine any important exceptions to this…)

  3. Lucky you! I want to see the Stubbs show badly (and the Jeff Walls at the MoMA and the Barcelona show at the Met).

    Besides deckle edges, I have several other trivial but strongly held dislikes about book design, which I may share with the world someday.

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